Suspension of HKIHA Leagues and Training due to Novel Corona Virus. (February 2-24)

The Hong Kong Government has activated Emergency Response Level. As a precautionary measure and in line with Education Bureau’s decision together with preventive efforts taking place in Hong Kong, HKIHA & HKWIHL will continue to cancel their practices and games until 24 February 2020 (inclusively). HKIHA will continue to monitor the situation and make further announcements. Thank you for your attention.

香港政府已啟動緊急響應級別。 作為一項預防措施,並根據教育局的決定以及在香港進行的預防性努力,香港冰球協會和香港女子冰聯賽將繼續取消其練習和比賽,直到2020年2月24日(包括在內)。 HKIHA會繼續留意情況並作出進一步公告。 感謝您的關注。